single woman traveling alone tips

We have put together a few secrets of efficient travel for you. Even the smallest helpful tip can change an entire trip. Make sure that your luggage can be completely identified. Include your name and a contact number on the luggage ID card that comes with your suitcase.
single woman traveling alone tips

single woman traveling alone tips

The tags provided by the airport can easily get lost in the shuffle. Keep a copy of your itinerary on the inside of your suitcase. Pack a bag that is easy to carry, with large pockets for storage. Do not over pack this bag because you will need room to bring items back.

Bring a smaller pouch, wallet, or card holder that you keep separate from your purse. Store a credit/debit card and identification in it. You can keep this on your person while shopping or site seeing, but keep it in your room or rental car any other time. This will ensure that you have the important stuff if your purse is lost or stolen.

Know where you are going at all times. Map all of your destinations prior to leaving, so you will not get lost. Even if you are lost, be aware of your surroundings and act like you know where you are going until you get to a safe place to ask directions.

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